April Edits & New Stories

You know I can never pass up on starting something new!

I truly cannot believe that it is April already! Just like that, a third of the year has flown by. As many of you know, Rose’s Ruin is currently working through some rough edits and the month of April will be all about truly refining the story developmentally and grammatically. I’m very appreciative of the readers who have chosen to read the rough draft and help me to see how to improve the story!

March was a busy month. I have a busy bee of a baby, so keeping up with her takes a lot of my time and energy. However, I have managed to begin a new story!

This story will be short—probably under 10K words. It will most likely be a newsletter exclusive. The working title right now is VANITAS. Set in Alaska after WWIII, it follows a young man named Perseus who must decide what it means to make choices for “the good of all humanity.” Especially when it comes to moral issues and the argument for the sanctity of life. I’ve had a lot of fun writing this and I’m hoping the message of it will reach those I am desiring it to.

Sometimes I feel that I have new many ideas running around! There are so many great story ideas that I have and I’m worried I won’t be able to get to them all. Yet, at the same time, I keep leaving projects to start new ones so I’m not really helping myself here, haha.

My current list of projects is as follows:

Rose’s Ruin. Stage: Editing

Of Sails and Souls. Stage: Finishing first draft

Rose’s Reign. Stage: Finishing first draft

VANITAS. Stage: Finishing first draft

Star-Burners. Stage: Planning/first draft

My goal by the end of the year is to have finished VANITAS, published Rose’s Ruin, have a first draft for both Rose’s Reign and OSAS, and be focused on Star-Burners. Is that ambitious? Very much so. But we’ll see how it goes!

Which story that I mentioned would you like to see more of?

See you around!